Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shreya ghazal ready

Ah but my ghazal on Shreya is ready now. And quite obviously, I'd like her to be the first person to read it before it "opens to public." Tall order, that. Lemme see whether/how that can be arranged. Where there's a will, there's a way. (And if your name features in the will, you can have *your* way.) [Note to self: oh, well, no trivial stuff here, Mohit...use another blog for it...]

If/after Shreya reads my ghazal, I might post it on this blog with elaborate translations in English.

Had Roshan not been correcting my verses, probably I'd have been ready with a *book* of couplets on Shreya by now. [And that's probably true when you are writing *any* ghazal because by the time you have the *final versions* of your couplets ready, you'd have tried enough number of themes and enough permutations and combinations within those themes to have sufficient content (size-wise) to create a book out of, unless, of course, you're too talented and can think up the verses "monolithically."] Though the quality of those couplets would obviously have been nowhere (as in, *no*where) close to being as good as my humble final 7 couplets. That, of course, is only a relative assessment. On an absolute scale, gaining competence in ghazal writing is as long and far away for me as a moon roundtrip. Ah but then at least I'm on my way.

I've also been thinking about how I should be spending the free time that I get. Free time is like gold dust now. I'm not young enough anymore to just change my occupation and get into something I like more. So my free time better be well spent. Though I don't want to jump the gun by sounding the death knell for this blog yet. The point I was trying to make is that I must just put my head down and fight my way into the music industry so that I give myself a chance to compose for Shreya someday. Wouldn't it be lovely to be on the "other side of Twitter" for once? Meaning that wouldn't it be great if Shreya someday wrote a tweet saying something like "Recorded a song with Mohit today. The fellow creates hopeless music, really, but he wouldn't let me out of the studio until I dubbed his song."

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